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Statica Lowrie / Alar Ahkbar

[ 2014.01.09 01:54:30 ] Statica Lowrie > hmmm i also need to get more RAM
[ 2014.01.09 01:54:33 ] Statica Lowrie > only got 4gb
[ 2014.01.09 01:54:38 ] Sum’Mar Raholan > download it
[ 2014.01.09 01:54:51 ] Alar Ahkbar > yeah am gonna
[ 2014.01.09 01:54:56 ] Inira Serra > might as well get a car while you’re at it
[ 2014.01.09 01:55:02 ] Sum’Mar Raholan >
[ 2014.01.09 01:55:39 ] Alar Ahkbar > how on earth does that work?
[ 2014.01.09 01:55:45 ] Inira Serra > it doesn’t
[ 2014.01.09 01:55:51 ] Alar Ahkbar > lol i was gonna say
[ 2014.01.09 01:56:47 ] Sum’Mar Raholan > /emote is crying with laughter


Thomas McPlunge

[16:08:44] Thomas McPlunge > tis time to eat cake and fuck anus


From Our Alliance Chat channel.

[ 2014.01.08 15:41:00 ] Sooyoung snsd > 뭐?
[ 2014.01.08 15:41:12 ] Deacon Ix > 黙
[ 2014.01.08 15:41:31 ] Deacon Ix > 死ね
[ 2014.01.08 15:41:34 ] Sooyoung snsd > need help in 9uy
[ 2014.01.08 15:41:35 ] Sooyoung snsd > now
[ 2014.01.08 15:41:52 ] Sooyoung snsd > jumped in from h6
[ 2014.01.08 15:41:53 ] Sooyoung snsd > tackled
[ 2014.01.08 15:41:55 ] Sooyoung snsd > HELP
[ 2014.01.08 15:42:13 ] Sooyoung snsd > im in an poc
[ 2014.01.08 15:42:14 ] Sooyoung snsd > i need help
[ 2014.01.08 15:42:21 ] Deacon Ix > no scout?
[ 2014.01.08 15:42:52 ] Sooyoung snsd > and im dead
[ 2014.01.08 15:43:23 ] Sooyoung snsd > 9uy was clear last time i passed through
[ 2014.01.08 15:43:34 ] Sooyoung snsd > now there is a ceptor gang
[ 2014.01.08 15:43:38 ] Tom O’Neil > what did we learn today? always ask for intel or have a scout
[ 2014.01.08 15:44:03 ] Scopius > red alliance ?
[ 2014.01.08 15:44:09 ] Sooyoung snsd > yup
[ 2014.01.08 15:44:13 ] Sum’Mar Raholan > I’m sorry for your loss, but damn that was a funny
[ 2014.01.08 15:45:26 ] Sooyoung snsd > i could have made it out if they didnt have a rapier


A new day dawns

I awoke to the sound of nothing. As normal in my quarters there was silence. Not knowing what time it was, no idea if it was night or day, if a thing existed in this life among the stars, I got dressed and headed out if the quarters to my ship bay.

On inspecting the ship, I had accrued hull damage from last nights Sansha raid. Instructed the crew to make good repairs and I headed out to find what passes for coffee in this miserable hole of a station. The quarters door slid open with the sound of metal scraping over rusted tracks. The stink is the first thing to hit me every time I leave. The putrid stench of people, metal, grease all rolled into one foul stench that you just can’t wash out, and as soon as I am out the door I am surrounded by Children of all races touting stuff they found lying around, desperately trying to raise some ISK for themselves or families.  No one wants to be out here. In the back of nowhere  They dream of making their fortune in the trade hubs of Jita. But truth be told, most of my fellow capsuleers would take their money and jettison them into space. They have no hope of leaving here.  I walked down the gantry to find a bar that served a piss poor imitation of coffee, but much better than the other bars in the area. I glanced out the window, and saw pilots on their way to battle the Sansha, out to earn their Ore. I thought of my father, standing in a field hand on my shoulder, “One day son we will again take to the stars”.

I ordered the coffee from the bar keep, a huge man of minmatar heritage. His face wound up like he has heard one too many capsuleers story to many, sorted out way too many fights, much less his fight to keep his place here. For this is not empire space. Out here, anyone can be bought, any rule bent for the word in the right ears, for the palm crossed with the silver of ISK. I tool my coffee over to the table and sat, aware of the pain in my head, just behind the eyes. My Ocular filter was not fitted correctly, but I could not have it removed as getting a replacement out here was not easy.

It wasn’t long before the station security came in. The Bar Man’s face dropped. He appeared a defeated and broken man. But they were not here for him this time. They were here for me. Marching up to my table, he spoke in a harsh military tone, “Kha’Vorn, pilot of a Armageddon class Battleship?” I confirmed I was the guy he was looking for, not really caring as the pain behind my eyes was stabbing at my brain like a thousand little needles. “We have 150 of your crew in custody. They started a fight in Mclartys Bar last night”. Ah crap. “How much is this going to cost me” I asked in a raspy voice that had undertones of not really caring, but knowing he was looking for a bribe. Finding a new crew would not be hard, but out here, trained and able crew are hard to come by, let alone those that are actually loyal. “1500 credits per man”. Said in such a matter of fact way. But that was life out here. I passed the ISK over and asked him to tell the men to ensure they were back on deck in a hour.

Finishing the cup of piss that I had bought earlier, any hopes of a quiet day had gone. My tablet buzzed in my pocket. Increased Sansha activity in the area was scrolling across the screen. And then news that hit me like a ton of bricks, Concord have issued an advisory in High Security space that Ice Fields where displaying unsal high grav readings. They were beginning to disappear. I switched off the tablet and started back to my quarters. The door to my quarters stuck on opening and I cursed the crappy minmatar make mend and do attitude. I longed for the cleanliness of a Amarr station, or the comfort of a Gallentean station. But it was not to be, this was my home while the war was on. I pulled and kicked the door and it eventually opened. Closing it was not so easy.

I readied myself for the pod. Something I never have been able to get used to. I walked down the steps toward my pod, aligned with the interface, and felt the cold metal slid into the ports mounted down my spine, a brief but intense wave of pain went through me as the pod took over, a wave of calm and serenity. The pain in my brain starting to go,  the doors to the pod slid closed and the goo started to fill the pod. I took one final look around as the good reached my head. I struggled to keep breathing as the fluid filled my lungs. Then, it happens. Truly one with the pod, one with the machine. My sense and the machines sensors as one. I had a moment where the sheer amount of data that was now flowing into my brain, but that passes quickly.

Issuing the command for undock, the crew readying their systems, we leave the station into the cold blackness of space. It was at that point I thought of my father again, wishing I was back in that field,

May God have mercy on us all.

How to Back up your TeamSpeak settings

Important Edit.

Before restoring your settings, make sure to run TS once after installation, and quit it. Then copy the folder back to its origional location, overwriting anything already there.

Need to know how to backup TeamSpeak, so you dont have to go through the whole process of registering a new install? Heres How.

Follow these steps. (I’m assuming most of you are using Win7)

  1. Press Winkey + R to open the run dialog
  2. Type (Or copy paste) this into the box %AppData%\Roaming\TS3Client
  3. Copy the folder you see in there to another folder or drive.

Should you need to restore these settings, just copy the folder back to the correct place.

Now when you reinstall TeamSpeak, your client will be as you left it (Or when you did the first copy).

If you want a batch file todo this for you, well, here you go.

@echo off
robocopy %AppData%\Roaming\TS3Client PATH_OF_YOUR_CHOICE /mir

When Two BS Love each other


How to Back up your eve settings

Ever reinstalled eve, after a system reinstall, or just had the settings corrupted, and had to go through and set up all your windows and shortcuts again?

Its a pain the the proverbial for sure, and to prevent it from happening, follow these steps. (I’m assuming most of you are using Win7)

  1. Press Winkey + R to open the run dialog
  2. Type (Or copy paste) this into the box %LOCALAPPDATA%\CCP\EVE\c_program_files_(x86)_ccp_eve_tranquility
  3. Copy the folder you see in there called “Settings” to another folder or drive.

Should you need to restore these settings, just copy the folder back to the correct place.

Now when you reinstall eve, your client will be as you left it (Or when you did the first copy).

If you need to drop the cache for any reason, just delete the folder called “Cache”. The game will repopulate this when started.

If you want a batch file todo this for you, well, here you go.

@echo off
robocopy %LOCALAPPDATA%\CCP\EVE\c_program_files_(x86)_ccp_eve_tranquility\settings PATH_OF_YOUR_CHOICE /mir

A view to a Kill

So I was adding new grav sites in our local null sec, when I found a Wormhole. I have never been much of a wormhole fan since moving out of one many eons ago.

But this one was different. Something, I don’t know what had piqued my interest. A few combat probes were launched and a scan done. Hmm, large POS. They had everything on this POS. Medium and small ship assembly arrays, silos, refining arrays and a whole heap of other crap. And a Huge amount of freighter cans scattered all over the POS.

I sat and watched for a while, and a venture kept warping in and out of the pos. A corp mate also became interested and started to travel down in a Enyo. I started to scan the system trying to find out where this Venture kept going, in just a couple of mins I had a lock on the venture and was warping cloaked to him, he was sat belt mining, along with a retriever. Trying to get my corp mate a warp in to take out the rettie was not easy, as there where rocks everywhere which threatened to decloaked me at any time.

I gingerly picked my way round them, approaching the Retriever as he was 80Km away, then they both warped. They did this a couple of times and I am not sure if they got spooked, or where just emptying ore. Which ever, as I attached as much to their observational skills as they failed to see my combat probes earlier.

I sat and I waited for their return. Eventually the Venture Returned, and a short while later, the Retriever also warped into belt, this time, at 30km from me. Result. I got to within 20km, then announced to the corp mate to warp in as I was now at 15km, well within his burn distance.

Tom appeared in his Enyo, and the warp scram message appeared. He had him, and the Rettie was going nowhere. I waited expecting to see a Proteus decloak or somesuch. Nope, the Retriever just melted under the hail of Toms fire.

Retriever dead, Tom warps, I scoop the loot. Job done.

A good kill and excellent teamwork.

The kill is not yet up on our Alliance Killboards, but I will update this as soon as it is.

Craven McHook

[13:53:26] Craven McHook > No a strap on is a pain in the arse

[13:53:54] Kha’Vorn > Only if you stick it up your arse

[13:54:49] Craven McHook > I could not strap it on and stick it up my arse, u?

Troll is a Troll

There are trolls everywhere, but no where as entertaining as Eve-Online

[ 2013.03.14 09:01:12 ] Music One > Boadicea Wales O_O
[ 2013.03.14 09:02:06 ] sus antler > hmmmm intersting thought
[ 2013.03.14 09:02:06 ] TehSmo > Aegis Armstrong YES
[ 2013.03.14 09:02:15 ] TehSmo > sus antler NO
[ 2013.03.14 09:02:19 ] TehSmo > Music One MAYBE
[ 2013.03.14 09:03:16 ] Aegis Armstrong > also I’m picking easy number because I’m lazy
[ 2013.03.14 09:03:33 ] Boadicea Wales > who cares point and shoot
[ 2013.03.14 09:04:08 ] sus antler > indeed this is to much stuff need breakfast first:)
[ 2013.03.14 09:04:26 ] Perspicacious Bukandara > fuck this time of night sucks nobody dueling @ amarr
[ 2013.03.14 09:04:44 ] Boadicea Wales > who cares
[ 2013.03.14 09:05:25 ] Boadicea Wales > I had a very interesting evening on TS last night we had a real good belly lagh and a real sad story at the end
[ 2013.03.14 09:05:48 ] Boadicea Wales > some real life advice was given out to some very confised people
[ 2013.03.14 09:06:59 ] Boadicea Wales > eve is all abouit the misery making some one feel unahppy then rolling around in their misery but last night I realised it brings people togeather as well and some light came out of the gloom for me
[ 2013.03.14 09:07:21 ] Perspicacious Bukandara > cooooool story.
[ 2013.03.14 09:07:48 ] Nytoxias’ Female Alt > We care. Honest.
[ 2013.03.14 09:08:07 ] Boadicea Wales > i honestly think i saved a m,ans life last night
[ 2013.03.14 09:08:31 ] Nytoxias > No seriously. We do care about what you have to say.
[ 2013.03.14 09:08:36 ] TehSmo > no we dont
[ 2013.03.14 09:08:46 ] Boadicea Wales > exc use the typos typing one handed while i eat toast
[ 2013.03.14 09:08:47 ] clyde Alabel > this is the mining channel?
[ 2013.03.14 09:09:04 ] Nytoxias > I promise you we give a shit about your story, Wale.
[ 2013.03.14 09:09:09 ] TehSmo > clyde Alabel its a channel
[ 2013.03.14 09:09:36 ] clyde Alabel > thank god, i thought i’d joined the agony aunt channel
[ 2013.03.14 09:09:50 ] TehSmo > we mine people for retardation that we can then bottle and sell as energy drinks for expectant mothers, and thus the cycle continues
[ 2013.03.14 09:10:26 ] TehSmo > also if you are an expectant mother dont drink energy drinks, it’s bad mkay
[ 2013.03.14 09:10:28 ] Ze’nedra > i thought this was /b/
[ 2013.03.14 09:10:51 ] TehSmo > Ze’nedra whats that?
[ 2013.03.14 09:10:58 ] Boadicea Wales > there were two situations going on last night one was a man hooked on alcohole and drugs and other was a guy who had a girl friend who cheated on him and is now having another mans baby but he still loves her
[ 2013.03.14 09:11:42 ] Boadicea Wales > sorting out the mess was amazing it really brought home to me that the fuckers on the other end of my missiles are real people
[ 2013.03.14 09:12:05 ] Boadicea Wales > with real problems
[ 2013.03.14 09:12:07 ] Nytoxias > Holy shit. I was lying, we don’t actually give a fuck about your story, Wales.
[ 2013.03.14 09:12:19 ] TehSmo > Boadicea Wales no those people are drug people, probably loaded up on bad debt and are set for the salt mines anyway so who gives a crap?
[ 2013.03.14 09:12:24 ] Boadicea Wales > thats more like it you soppy fuckers ha ha ha
[ 2013.03.14 09:13:03 ] Boadicea Wales > but the guy with the cheating gf and baby is a true story
[ 2013.03.14 09:13:15 ] TehSmo > your moms a back yard hoe
[ 2013.03.14 09:13:28 ] Aegis Armstrong > take the other guy to court for child support and live high on the hog on his buck.
[ 2013.03.14 09:13:32 ] Boadicea Wales > she died last year thats for that
[ 2013.03.14 09:14:07 ] TehSmo > was she a black jew aryan for peace and tolerance?
[ 2013.03.14 09:14:24 ] clyde Alabel > oh god please somebosy kill me if wales keeps on talking
[ 2013.03.14 09:14:34 ] Boadicea Wales > she was black 3rd generation slave
[ 2013.03.14 09:14:35 ] TehSmo > clyde Alabel okay
[ 2013.03.14 09:14:35 ] Nytoxias > And a vegan atheist who fought in the Civil Rights movement and marched in the concentation camps for liberty?
[ 2013.03.14 09:14:58 ] Aegis Armstrong > I’ve been playing too much eve lately. My first reaction was to ask for your system and tell you to fly something shiny.
[ 2013.03.14 09:15:19 ] Perspicacious Bukandara > why is nobody duelling god dammit
[ 2013.03.14 09:15:34 ] clyde Alabel > cos were all mining
[ 2013.03.14 09:15:38 ] Aegis Armstrong > because miners don’t fit t2 blasters?
[ 2013.03.14 09:16:01 ] Boadicea Wales > Aegis Armstrong there are there to help you help your self
[ 2013.03.14 09:16:38 ] TehSmo > I always wanted to flick someone 50 cents and tell them to buy a disposable razor to wipe the bum fluff off their face
[ 2013.03.14 09:16:42 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel guy eve is not all about you so stfu and get out more you utter utter loser
[ 2013.03.14 09:16:51 ] Aegis Armstrong > I enjoy that “we are not a religious organization is a bulliton point
[ 2013.03.14 09:16:55 ] Boadicea Wales > utter utter
[ 2013.03.14 09:17:45 ] Nytoxias > clyde Alabel guy eve is not all about you so stfu and get out more you utter utter loser
[ 2013.03.14 09:17:47 ] Nytoxias > Lolwut.
[ 2013.03.14 09:17:58 ] Nytoxias > Boadicea Wales guy eve is not all about you so stfu and get out more you utter utter loserFIXED.
[ 2013.03.14 09:18:15 ] Boadicea Wales > lol toast gone typing two handed expect the typos to get worst
[ 2013.03.14 09:18:40 ] Perspicacious Bukandara > non religious charity? might be a bit less bullshit.
[ 2013.03.14 09:18:42 ] Boadicea Wales > Nytoxias you try to troll but you come off as just being a bit sad
[ 2013.03.14 09:19:01 ] clyde Alabel > ok i’ll leave now
[ 2013.03.14 09:19:17 ] Nytoxias > I’m not trolling. I would be subtle about it.
[ 2013.03.14 09:19:21 ] Nytoxias > I just think you’re a dipshit, Wales.
[ 2013.03.14 09:19:34 ] Boadicea Wales > Nytoxias are you a self lothing loner you self harms to gain attention because after reading your text thats how I am seeing you
[ 2013.03.14 09:19:40 ] TehSmo > the welsh are the scum of england
[ 2013.03.14 09:20:11 ] clyde Alabel > scum of great britain
[ 2013.03.14 09:20:11 ] Nytoxias > I self harm? wat
[ 2013.03.14 09:20:11 ] Boadicea Wales > lol Wales is not a part of england you ignorant twat lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:20:29 ] Boadicea Wales > thats like saying American is reall a part of mexico
[ 2013.03.14 09:20:42 ] TehSmo > more like mexico part of america
[ 2013.03.14 09:20:50 ] clyde Alabel > isnt american full of mexicans?
[ 2013.03.14 09:20:56 ] Nytoxias > Wales really is a moron…
[ 2013.03.14 09:21:04 ] TehSmo > murrica is full of fail and aids
[ 2013.03.14 09:21:05 ] Boadicea Wales > of scum of britaian are we sure like taxans are the idniots of American
[ 2013.03.14 09:21:17 ] Boadicea Wales > and New Yorkers are just greedy cunts
[ 2013.03.14 09:21:24 ] clyde Alabel > reaching for the block button
[ 2013.03.14 09:21:25 ] Boadicea Wales > Texans
[ 2013.03.14 09:21:31 ] Nytoxias > See?
[ 2013.03.14 09:21:44 ] TehSmo > enjoy your debt murricans
[ 2013.03.14 09:21:47 ] Boadicea Wales > and all black americans are stupid lazy fucks with low IQ’s
[ 2013.03.14 09:22:11 ] Kha’Vorn > hahahha
[ 2013.03.14 09:22:12 ] Music One > Boadicea Wales ???
[ 2013.03.14 09:22:17 ] TehSmo > world would have been better off if the murricans did the noble thing and defaulted on all the junk bonds and tripe
[ 2013.03.14 09:22:20 ] clyde Alabel > if we ignore it it will go away
[ 2013.03.14 09:22:38 ] Boadicea Wales > who interbreed with stupid white folk to make a suer human race of low IQ idiots yes people this is YOUIR american
[ 2013.03.14 09:22:51 ] Boadicea Wales > enjoy
[ 2013.03.14 09:22:58 ] Kha’Vorn > I could not pay for this entertainment.
[ 2013.03.14 09:23:16 ] TehSmo > Kha’Vorn delicious pasta must eat?
[ 2013.03.14 09:23:22 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel if you quit the room it all goes away I told you eve is not all about you get out of the room save your self
[ 2013.03.14 09:23:50 ] Boadicea Wales >
[ 2013.03.14 09:23:55 ] Kha’Vorn > TehSmo No thanks, just had sausage and Bacon
[ 2013.03.14 09:23:57 ] Boadicea Wales > give them a call why don’t you
[ 2013.03.14 09:24:22 ] clyde Alabel > dont forget its up and down not side to side do one thing right
[ 2013.03.14 09:24:30 ] Boadicea Wales > Nytoxias care to offer up some more of your weak trollisams
[ 2013.03.14 09:24:43 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel guy really no one cares stfu
[ 2013.03.14 09:24:44 ] clyde Alabel > i dont know what that word means
[ 2013.03.14 09:24:51 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel shhh
[ 2013.03.14 09:25:12 ] clyde Alabel > lets talk about mining for a change lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:25:13 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel quit the room you simply can’t handle it
[ 2013.03.14 09:25:31 ] clyde Alabel > i can handle your mum
[ 2013.03.14 09:25:36 ] Boadicea Wales > waek
[ 2013.03.14 09:25:42 ] clyde Alabel > spelling
[ 2013.03.14 09:25:54 ] Boadicea Wales > weaker
[ 2013.03.14 09:26:02 ] clyde Alabel > weakest
[ 2013.03.14 09:26:11 ] clyde Alabel > is this some kind of game, what do i win?
[ 2013.03.14 09:26:12 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel seek out the help chan
[ 2013.03.14 09:26:22 ] Boadicea Wales > self respect
[ 2013.03.14 09:26:23 ] clyde Alabel > i’ll seek out your grans arsehole
[ 2013.03.14 09:26:37 ] Boadicea Wales > oh my what a burn
[ 2013.03.14 09:26:49 ] Boadicea Wales > dude your playing on a C64 arnt you
[ 2013.03.14 09:27:02 ] Boadicea Wales > your taunts are 1979ish
[ 2013.03.14 09:27:27 ] clyde Alabel > vic-20 actually with 16k of ram
[ 2013.03.14 09:27:47 ] Boadicea Wales > 32bit cpu
[ 2013.03.14 09:27:49 ] clyde Alabel > or shall i fire up the zx80
[ 2013.03.14 09:28:11 ] clyde Alabel > when did this turn into a power war?
[ 2013.03.14 09:28:41 ] clyde Alabel > tell you what, i’ll tell you what cpu i have and then you can tell me you have something like deep blue lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:28:49 ] Boadicea Wales > power war lol wow I bet you still have an afro
[ 2013.03.14 09:28:55 ] clyde Alabel > its a i7-950 @ 4.0ghz
[ 2013.03.14 09:29:18 ] Boadicea Wales > he’s raging guys look at him go speed typing and every thing I love eve
[ 2013.03.14 09:29:32 ] Boadicea Wales > so entertaining
[ 2013.03.14 09:29:51 ] Aegis Armstrong > 1.21 Jigawatts!
[ 2013.03.14 09:30:04 ] clyde Alabel > dont let that get past 88ffs
[ 2013.03.14 09:30:22 ] clyde Alabel > woot a bounty lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:30:23 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel I give you 100k isk so I may laugh when the ship loss report comes in
[ 2013.03.14 09:30:34 ] clyde Alabel > lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:30:45 ] TehSmo > i7 sandy bridge superhuman here
[ 2013.03.14 09:31:01 ] clyde Alabel > i’m the only person in this channel that actually mines. in high sec lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:31:20 ] TehSmo > can run 12-14 instances of eve no lag while watching movie and listen music and do stock trading
[ 2013.03.14 09:31:28 ] Boadicea Wales > not tru I saw  Nytoxias mining in a bantum jjust the other day
[ 2013.03.14 09:31:31 ] Aegis Armstrong > I wouldn’t admit if I was mining. I’d be laughed out of mining chat
[ 2013.03.14 09:32:02 ] clyde Alabel > i just one eve client its not taken over my life that much yet lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:32:30 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel try that again but this time in english
[ 2013.03.14 09:33:53 ] Boadicea Wales > I am just killing some time as I await the first thing in the moring poo to come along before going to work
[ 2013.03.14 09:34:17 ] clyde Alabel > good job flipping those burgers
[ 2013.03.14 09:34:24 ] Boadicea Wales > I can feel it ruberling
[ 2013.03.14 09:34:51 ] Boadicea Wales > hay some one got to feed the fat lazy americans who offt frequent these places
[ 2013.03.14 09:35:14 ] Boadicea Wales > hell the US invented such snack shacks
[ 2013.03.14 09:35:42 ] Boadicea Wales > where you can fill up on food products made with the scrappings off the butchers floor
[ 2013.03.14 09:35:52 ] Boadicea Wales > enjoy
[ 2013.03.14 09:37:16 ] Boadicea Wales > itcalled fast food because it has nil food value and don’t stay in your body for very long it is even designed to come out watery so the lazy fucks don’t have to push it out
[ 2013.03.14 09:37:48 ] Boadicea Wales > American this is your presant to the world
[ 2013.03.14 09:37:50 ] sus antler > heh do u even know what the x% off fat in chocolate realy is
[ 2013.03.14 09:38:04 ] clyde Alabel > dont incourage it
[ 2013.03.14 09:38:28 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel you act like some kind of chat room poilice I am the chat room police around here
[ 2013.03.14 09:38:39 ] BUBAKAR MAHAHA > this guy must be a relative of mine
[ 2013.03.14 09:38:54 ] Boadicea Wales > The chat room police are a voluntary force and not empowered to act as judge or jury we are here to merely report rule violations. The Mining chat comunity are asked not to shoot the messenger. Complaints to CCP please.Chat Room Police
[ 2013.03.14 09:39:10 ] sus antler > lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:39:33 ] Boadicea Wales > Copy/Paste response 2Insert name clyde Alabel You are in violation of the chat room rules desist immediately or you will be petitioned.Chat Room Police
[ 2013.03.14 09:39:55 ] BUBAKAR MAHAHA > desist?
[ 2013.03.14 09:39:58 ] BUBAKAR MAHAHA > wtf
[ 2013.03.14 09:40:00 ] Boadicea Wales > now let the sherrif do his job move along now nothing to see here
[ 2013.03.14 09:40:28 ] Boadicea Wales > ya I commit the odd pofar just to give the anals some thing to talk about
[ 2013.03.14 09:40:53 ] Boadicea Wales > BUBAKAR MAHAHA grats you are todays first anal
[ 2013.03.14 09:41:02 ] Nytoxias’ Lady Alt > Fuck you, Wales. =D
[ 2013.03.14 09:41:16 ] Boadicea Wales > many have tried and failed \o/
[ 2013.03.14 09:41:57 ] Boadicea Wales > an eve friend said to me the other day how the hell you are not constantily huted down and podded amazes me
[ 2013.03.14 09:42:03 ] Boadicea Wales > he is right
[ 2013.03.14 09:42:25 ] Nytoxias’ Female Alt > How is that even an insult?
[ 2013.03.14 09:42:37 ] Boadicea Wales > it’s not stupid liove with it
[ 2013.03.14 09:42:50 ] Nytoxias’ Female Alt > Holy shit, the Welsh are dumb…
[ 2013.03.14 09:42:58 ] clyde Alabel > and it says i cant type…..
[ 2013.03.14 09:43:19 ] Boadicea Wales > didant we just conclued that all americans are half chat low brow idiots
[ 2013.03.14 09:43:30 ] Boadicea Wales > who interbreed with their sisters
[ 2013.03.14 09:43:37 ] Boadicea Wales > and eat fast food
[ 2013.03.14 09:43:39 ] clyde Alabel > the welsh’s only job is to be kicked by the english
[ 2013.03.14 09:43:47 ] Boadicea Wales > I thought we established that as fact
[ 2013.03.14 09:44:05 ] BUBAKAR MAHAHA > Boadicea Wales welcome to my block party
[ 2013.03.14 09:44:27 ] Boadicea Wales > BUBAKAR MAHAHA stop seeking attention
[ 2013.03.14 09:44:35 ] Boadicea Wales >
[ 2013.03.14 09:44:47 ] Boadicea Wales > that is how down trodden the welsh are my son
[ 2013.03.14 09:44:53 ] Boadicea Wales > enjoy reading it
[ 2013.03.14 09:45:13 ] TehSmo > welsh are the shit kickers of europe
[ 2013.03.14 09:45:16 ] Boadicea Wales > learn some thing take your time I know you hate reading
[ 2013.03.14 09:45:17 ] TehSmo > akin to gypsies
[ 2013.03.14 09:45:44 ] Boadicea Wales > welsh archers were the best europe had
[ 2013.03.14 09:45:58 ] Boadicea Wales > welsh gold is the highest priced gold in the world
[ 2013.03.14 09:46:09 ] Boadicea Wales > welsh coal is the best cold in the world
[ 2013.03.14 09:46:13 ] TehSmo > highest priced gold?
[ 2013.03.14 09:46:14 ] TehSmo > wat
[ 2013.03.14 09:46:29 ] Boadicea Wales > for a counrty that only has 5 million people we make our mark on the world
[ 2013.03.14 09:46:45 ] TehSmo > if the purity of gold is 99.9% why does it matter where it comes from?
[ 2013.03.14 09:47:07 ] Boadicea Wales > the welsh Rugby team which has only 10,000 player to pick from is amongst the best in the world
[ 2013.03.14 09:47:28 ] Boadicea Wales > where as england with their 2 million player lose to the welsh
[ 2013.03.14 09:47:50 ] TehSmo > trust the ignorant welsh to think kicking a pig skin around was ever anything but a common and lowborn pastime
[ 2013.03.14 09:48:05 ] Boadicea Wales > the Welsh may be a small country but we are known through out the world
[ 2013.03.14 09:48:19 ] Boadicea Wales > usualy put donw by the ignorant
[ 2013.03.14 09:48:56 ] Boadicea Wales > so carry on with your sheep shagger jokes and your insults this nation of just 5 million paople make you look stupid
[ 2013.03.14 09:49:18 ] Boadicea Wales > now my poo is comming along fats brb
[ 2013.03.14 09:50:12 ] Riker Helios > wtf is going on in this window
[ 2013.03.14 09:51:57 ] Boadicea Wales > did you know that at the last Olympics the small nation of wales won many gold silver and bronz medals for the GB team
[ 2013.03.14 09:52:06 ] Boadicea Wales > thats not bad for such a small nation
[ 2013.03.14 09:55:24 ] Boadicea Wales > so ya mock us Welsh if you want your mockery is born out of sheer ignorance and for that I genuinly feel sorry for you
[ 2013.03.14 09:56:22 ] Riker Helios > so what i miss??? lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:56:48 ] Aegis Armstrong > Just the bandit keith of wales.
[ 2013.03.14 09:57:10 ] Boadicea Wales > The Welsh are a small but proud nation we’ll never rock the world but the nation strives to move forward and make it’s mark not by making wars or insulting other nations in the public theater but in our own small way the word Welshj has real meaning
[ 2013.03.14 09:57:19 ] Boadicea Wales > and is much respaectedall over the world
[ 2013.03.14 09:57:48 ] BR549 Miner > they make some fine sweaters there
[ 2013.03.14 09:58:20 ] Boadicea Wales > when I go on hiliday I mearly have to point out to the waiter that we are welsh and not english and we get treated alot better
[ 2013.03.14 09:59:00 ] Boadicea Wales > no one pisses in the soup of a welsh man americans and english eat waiter piss all over the world
[ 2013.03.14 09:59:19 ] Boadicea Wales > and now to work have a nice day


[ 2013.03.14 09:01:02 ] Boadicea Wales > shut up and sit down all of you
[ 2013.03.14 09:01:12 ] Aegis Armstrong > if I do 10 damage and take 10 seconds to cycle I do 1 dps. if I do 8 damage over an 8 second cycle I still do 1dps.
[ 2013.03.14 09:01:12 ] Music One > Boadicea Wales O_O
[ 2013.03.14 09:02:06 ] sus antler > hmmmm intersting thought
[ 2013.03.14 09:02:06 ] TehSmo > Aegis Armstrong YES
[ 2013.03.14 09:02:15 ] TehSmo > sus antler NO
[ 2013.03.14 09:02:19 ] TehSmo > Music One MAYBE
[ 2013.03.14 09:03:16 ] Aegis Armstrong > also I’m picking easy number because I’m lazy
[ 2013.03.14 09:03:33 ] Boadicea Wales > who cares point and shoot
[ 2013.03.14 09:04:08 ] sus antler > indeed this is to much stuff need breakfast first:)
[ 2013.03.14 09:04:26 ] Perspicacious Bukandara > fuck this time of night sucks nobody dueling @ amarr
[ 2013.03.14 09:04:44 ] Boadicea Wales > who cares
[ 2013.03.14 09:05:25 ] Boadicea Wales > I had a very interesting evening on TS last night we had a real good belly lagh and a real sad story at the end
[ 2013.03.14 09:05:48 ] Boadicea Wales > some real life advice was given out to some very confised people
[ 2013.03.14 09:06:59 ] Boadicea Wales > eve is all abouit the misery making some one feel unahppy then rolling around in their misery but last night I realised it brings people togeather as well and some light came out of the gloom for me
[ 2013.03.14 09:07:21 ] Perspicacious Bukandara > cooooool story.
[ 2013.03.14 09:07:48 ] Nytoxias’ Female Alt > We care. Honest.
[ 2013.03.14 09:08:07 ] Boadicea Wales > i honestly think i saved a m,ans life last night
[ 2013.03.14 09:08:31 ] Nytoxias > No seriously. We do care about what you have to say.
[ 2013.03.14 09:08:36 ] TehSmo > no we dont
[ 2013.03.14 09:08:46 ] Boadicea Wales > exc use the typos typing one handed while i eat toast
[ 2013.03.14 09:08:47 ] clyde Alabel > this is the mining channel?
[ 2013.03.14 09:09:04 ] Nytoxias > I promise you we give a shit about your story, Wale.
[ 2013.03.14 09:09:09 ] TehSmo > clyde Alabel its a channel
[ 2013.03.14 09:09:36 ] clyde Alabel > thank god, i thought i’d joined the agony aunt channel
[ 2013.03.14 09:09:50 ] TehSmo > we mine people for retardation that we can then bottle and sell as energy drinks for expectant mothers, and thus the cycle continues
[ 2013.03.14 09:10:26 ] TehSmo > also if you are an expectant mother dont drink energy drinks, it’s bad mkay
[ 2013.03.14 09:10:28 ] Ze’nedra > i thought this was /b/
[ 2013.03.14 09:10:51 ] TehSmo > Ze’nedra whats that?
[ 2013.03.14 09:10:58 ] Boadicea Wales > there were two situations going on last night one was a man hooked on alcohole and drugs and other was a guy who had a girl friend who cheated on him and is now having another mans baby but he still loves her
[ 2013.03.14 09:11:42 ] Boadicea Wales > sorting out the mess was amazing it really brought home to me that the fuckers on the other end of my missiles are real people
[ 2013.03.14 09:12:05 ] Boadicea Wales > with real problems
[ 2013.03.14 09:12:07 ] Nytoxias > Holy shit. I was lying, we don’t actually give a fuck about your story, Wales.
[ 2013.03.14 09:12:19 ] TehSmo > Boadicea Wales no those people are drug people, probably loaded up on bad debt and are set for the salt mines anyway so who gives a crap?
[ 2013.03.14 09:12:24 ] Boadicea Wales > thats more like it you soppy fuckers ha ha ha
[ 2013.03.14 09:13:03 ] Boadicea Wales > but the guy with the cheating gf and baby is a true story
[ 2013.03.14 09:13:15 ] TehSmo > your moms a back yard hoe
[ 2013.03.14 09:13:28 ] Aegis Armstrong > take the other guy to court for child support and live high on the hog on his buck.
[ 2013.03.14 09:13:32 ] Boadicea Wales > she died last year thats for that
[ 2013.03.14 09:14:07 ] TehSmo > was she a black jew aryan for peace and tolerance?
[ 2013.03.14 09:14:24 ] clyde Alabel > oh god please somebosy kill me if wales keeps on talking
[ 2013.03.14 09:14:34 ] Boadicea Wales > she was black 3rd generation slave
[ 2013.03.14 09:14:35 ] TehSmo > clyde Alabel okay
[ 2013.03.14 09:14:35 ] Nytoxias > And a vegan atheist who fought in the Civil Rights movement and marched in the concentation camps for liberty?
[ 2013.03.14 09:14:58 ] Aegis Armstrong > I’ve been playing too much eve lately. My first reaction was to ask for your system and tell you to fly something shiny.
[ 2013.03.14 09:15:19 ] Perspicacious Bukandara > why is nobody duelling god dammit
[ 2013.03.14 09:15:34 ] clyde Alabel > cos were all mining
[ 2013.03.14 09:15:38 ] Aegis Armstrong > because miners don’t fit t2 blasters?
[ 2013.03.14 09:16:01 ] Boadicea Wales > Aegis Armstrong there are there to help you help your self
[ 2013.03.14 09:16:38 ] TehSmo > I always wanted to flick someone 50 cents and tell them to buy a disposable razor to wipe the bum fluff off their face
[ 2013.03.14 09:16:42 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel guy eve is not all about you so stfu and get out more you utter utter loser
[ 2013.03.14 09:16:51 ] Aegis Armstrong > I enjoy that “we are not a religious organization is a bulliton point
[ 2013.03.14 09:16:55 ] Boadicea Wales > utter utter
[ 2013.03.14 09:17:45 ] Nytoxias > clyde Alabel guy eve is not all about you so stfu and get out more you utter utter loser
[ 2013.03.14 09:17:47 ] Nytoxias > Lolwut.
[ 2013.03.14 09:17:58 ] Nytoxias > Boadicea Wales guy eve is not all about you so stfu and get out more you utter utter loserFIXED.
[ 2013.03.14 09:18:15 ] Boadicea Wales > lol toast gone typing two handed expect the typos to get worst
[ 2013.03.14 09:18:40 ] Perspicacious Bukandara > non religious charity? might be a bit less bullshit.
[ 2013.03.14 09:18:42 ] Boadicea Wales > Nytoxias you try to troll but you come off as just being a bit sad
[ 2013.03.14 09:19:01 ] clyde Alabel > ok i’ll leave now
[ 2013.03.14 09:19:17 ] Nytoxias > I’m not trolling. I would be subtle about it.
[ 2013.03.14 09:19:21 ] Nytoxias > I just think you’re a dipshit, Wales.
[ 2013.03.14 09:19:34 ] Boadicea Wales > Nytoxias are you a self lothing loner you self harms to gain attention because after reading your text thats how I am seeing you
[ 2013.03.14 09:19:40 ] TehSmo > the welsh are the scum of england
[ 2013.03.14 09:20:11 ] clyde Alabel > scum of great britain
[ 2013.03.14 09:20:11 ] Nytoxias > I self harm? wat
[ 2013.03.14 09:20:11 ] Boadicea Wales > lol Wales is not a part of england you ignorant twat lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:20:29 ] Boadicea Wales > thats like saying American is reall a part of mexico
[ 2013.03.14 09:20:42 ] TehSmo > more like mexico part of america
[ 2013.03.14 09:20:50 ] clyde Alabel > isnt american full of mexicans?
[ 2013.03.14 09:20:56 ] Nytoxias > Wales really is a moron…
[ 2013.03.14 09:21:04 ] TehSmo > murrica is full of fail and aids
[ 2013.03.14 09:21:05 ] Boadicea Wales > of scum of britaian are we sure like taxans are the idniots of American
[ 2013.03.14 09:21:17 ] Boadicea Wales > and New Yorkers are just greedy cunts
[ 2013.03.14 09:21:24 ] clyde Alabel > reaching for the block button
[ 2013.03.14 09:21:25 ] Boadicea Wales > Texans
[ 2013.03.14 09:21:31 ] Nytoxias > See?
[ 2013.03.14 09:21:44 ] TehSmo > enjoy your debt murricans
[ 2013.03.14 09:21:47 ] Boadicea Wales > and all black americans are stupid lazy fucks with low IQ’s
[ 2013.03.14 09:22:11 ] Kha’Vorn > hahahha
[ 2013.03.14 09:22:12 ] Music One > Boadicea Wales ???
[ 2013.03.14 09:22:17 ] TehSmo > world would have been better off if the murricans did the noble thing and defaulted on all the junk bonds and tripe
[ 2013.03.14 09:22:20 ] clyde Alabel > if we ignore it it will go away
[ 2013.03.14 09:22:38 ] Boadicea Wales > who interbreed with stupid white folk to make a suer human race of low IQ idiots yes people this is YOUIR american
[ 2013.03.14 09:22:51 ] Boadicea Wales > enjoy
[ 2013.03.14 09:22:58 ] Kha’Vorn > I could not pay for this entertainment.
[ 2013.03.14 09:23:16 ] TehSmo > Kha’Vorn delicious pasta must eat?
[ 2013.03.14 09:23:22 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel if you quit the room it all goes away I told you eve is not all about you get out of the room save your self
[ 2013.03.14 09:23:50 ] Boadicea Wales >
[ 2013.03.14 09:23:55 ] Kha’Vorn > TehSmo No thanks, just had sausage and Bacon
[ 2013.03.14 09:23:57 ] Boadicea Wales > give them a call why don’t you
[ 2013.03.14 09:24:22 ] clyde Alabel > dont forget its up and down not side to side do one thing right
[ 2013.03.14 09:24:30 ] Boadicea Wales > Nytoxias care to offer up some more of your weak trollisams
[ 2013.03.14 09:24:43 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel guy really no one cares stfu
[ 2013.03.14 09:24:44 ] clyde Alabel > i dont know what that word means
[ 2013.03.14 09:24:51 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel shhh
[ 2013.03.14 09:25:12 ] clyde Alabel > lets talk about mining for a change lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:25:13 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel quit the room you simply can’t handle it
[ 2013.03.14 09:25:31 ] clyde Alabel > i can handle your mum
[ 2013.03.14 09:25:36 ] Boadicea Wales > waek
[ 2013.03.14 09:25:42 ] clyde Alabel > spelling
[ 2013.03.14 09:25:54 ] Boadicea Wales > weaker
[ 2013.03.14 09:26:02 ] clyde Alabel > weakest
[ 2013.03.14 09:26:11 ] clyde Alabel > is this some kind of game, what do i win?
[ 2013.03.14 09:26:12 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel seek out the help chan
[ 2013.03.14 09:26:22 ] Boadicea Wales > self respect
[ 2013.03.14 09:26:23 ] clyde Alabel > i’ll seek out your grans arsehole
[ 2013.03.14 09:26:37 ] Boadicea Wales > oh my what a burn
[ 2013.03.14 09:26:49 ] Boadicea Wales > dude your playing on a C64 arnt you
[ 2013.03.14 09:27:02 ] Boadicea Wales > your taunts are 1979ish
[ 2013.03.14 09:27:27 ] clyde Alabel > vic-20 actually with 16k of ram
[ 2013.03.14 09:27:47 ] Boadicea Wales > 32bit cpu
[ 2013.03.14 09:27:49 ] clyde Alabel > or shall i fire up the zx80
[ 2013.03.14 09:28:11 ] clyde Alabel > when did this turn into a power war?
[ 2013.03.14 09:28:41 ] clyde Alabel > tell you what, i’ll tell you what cpu i have and then you can tell me you have something like deep blue lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:28:49 ] Boadicea Wales > power war lol wow I bet you still have an afro
[ 2013.03.14 09:28:55 ] clyde Alabel > its a i7-950 @ 4.0ghz
[ 2013.03.14 09:29:18 ] Boadicea Wales > he’s raging guys look at him go speed typing and every thing I love eve
[ 2013.03.14 09:29:32 ] Boadicea Wales > so entertaining
[ 2013.03.14 09:29:51 ] Aegis Armstrong > 1.21 Jigawatts!
[ 2013.03.14 09:30:04 ] clyde Alabel > dont let that get past 88ffs
[ 2013.03.14 09:30:22 ] clyde Alabel > woot a bounty lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:30:23 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel I give you 100k isk so I may laugh when the ship loss report comes in
[ 2013.03.14 09:30:34 ] clyde Alabel > lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:30:45 ] TehSmo > i7 sandy bridge superhuman here
[ 2013.03.14 09:31:01 ] clyde Alabel > i’m the only person in this channel that actually mines. in high sec lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:31:20 ] TehSmo > can run 12-14 instances of eve no lag while watching movie and listen music and do stock trading
[ 2013.03.14 09:31:28 ] Boadicea Wales > not tru I saw  Nytoxias mining in a bantum jjust the other day
[ 2013.03.14 09:31:31 ] Aegis Armstrong > I wouldn’t admit if I was mining. I’d be laughed out of mining chat
[ 2013.03.14 09:32:02 ] clyde Alabel > i just one eve client its not taken over my life that much yet lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:32:30 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel try that again but this time in english
[ 2013.03.14 09:33:53 ] Boadicea Wales > I am just killing some time as I await the first thing in the moring poo to come along before going to work
[ 2013.03.14 09:34:17 ] clyde Alabel > good job flipping those burgers
[ 2013.03.14 09:34:24 ] Boadicea Wales > I can feel it ruberling
[ 2013.03.14 09:34:51 ] Boadicea Wales > hay some one got to feed the fat lazy americans who offt frequent these places
[ 2013.03.14 09:35:14 ] Boadicea Wales > hell the US invented such snack shacks
[ 2013.03.14 09:35:42 ] Boadicea Wales > where you can fill up on food products made with the scrappings off the butchers floor
[ 2013.03.14 09:35:52 ] Boadicea Wales > enjoy
[ 2013.03.14 09:37:16 ] Boadicea Wales > itcalled fast food because it has nil food value and don’t stay in your body for very long it is even designed to come out watery so the lazy fucks don’t have to push it out
[ 2013.03.14 09:37:48 ] Boadicea Wales > American this is your presant to the world
[ 2013.03.14 09:37:50 ] sus antler > heh do u even know what the x% off fat in chocolate realy is
[ 2013.03.14 09:38:04 ] clyde Alabel > dont incourage it
[ 2013.03.14 09:38:28 ] Boadicea Wales > clyde Alabel you act like some kind of chat room poilice I am the chat room police around here
[ 2013.03.14 09:38:39 ] BUBAKAR MAHAHA > this guy must be a relative of mine
[ 2013.03.14 09:38:54 ] Boadicea Wales > The chat room police are a voluntary force and not empowered to act as judge or jury we are here to merely report rule violations. The Mining chat comunity are asked not to shoot the messenger. Complaints to CCP please.Chat Room Police
[ 2013.03.14 09:39:10 ] sus antler > lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:39:33 ] Boadicea Wales > Copy/Paste response 2Insert name clyde Alabel You are in violation of the chat room rules desist immediately or you will be petitioned.Chat Room Police
[ 2013.03.14 09:39:55 ] BUBAKAR MAHAHA > desist?
[ 2013.03.14 09:39:58 ] BUBAKAR MAHAHA > wtf
[ 2013.03.14 09:40:00 ] Boadicea Wales > now let the sherrif do his job move along now nothing to see here
[ 2013.03.14 09:40:28 ] Boadicea Wales > ya I commit the odd pofar just to give the anals some thing to talk about
[ 2013.03.14 09:40:53 ] Boadicea Wales > BUBAKAR MAHAHA grats you are todays first anal
[ 2013.03.14 09:41:02 ] Nytoxias’ Lady Alt > Fuck you, Wales. =D
[ 2013.03.14 09:41:16 ] Boadicea Wales > many have tried and failed \o/
[ 2013.03.14 09:41:57 ] Boadicea Wales > an eve friend said to me the other day how the hell you are not constantily huted down and podded amazes me
[ 2013.03.14 09:42:03 ] Boadicea Wales > he is right
[ 2013.03.14 09:42:25 ] Nytoxias’ Female Alt > How is that even an insult?
[ 2013.03.14 09:42:37 ] Boadicea Wales > it’s not stupid liove with it
[ 2013.03.14 09:42:50 ] Nytoxias’ Female Alt > Holy shit, the Welsh are dumb…
[ 2013.03.14 09:42:58 ] clyde Alabel > and it says i cant type…..
[ 2013.03.14 09:43:19 ] Boadicea Wales > didant we just conclued that all americans are half chat low brow idiots
[ 2013.03.14 09:43:30 ] Boadicea Wales > who interbreed with their sisters
[ 2013.03.14 09:43:37 ] Boadicea Wales > and eat fast food
[ 2013.03.14 09:43:39 ] clyde Alabel > the welsh’s only job is to be kicked by the english
[ 2013.03.14 09:43:47 ] Boadicea Wales > I thought we established that as fact
[ 2013.03.14 09:44:05 ] BUBAKAR MAHAHA > Boadicea Wales welcome to my block party
[ 2013.03.14 09:44:27 ] Boadicea Wales > BUBAKAR MAHAHA stop seeking attention
[ 2013.03.14 09:44:35 ] Boadicea Wales >
[ 2013.03.14 09:44:47 ] Boadicea Wales > that is how down trodden the welsh are my son
[ 2013.03.14 09:44:53 ] Boadicea Wales > enjoy reading it
[ 2013.03.14 09:45:13 ] TehSmo > welsh are the shit kickers of europe
[ 2013.03.14 09:45:16 ] Boadicea Wales > learn some thing take your time I know you hate reading
[ 2013.03.14 09:45:17 ] TehSmo > akin to gypsies
[ 2013.03.14 09:45:44 ] Boadicea Wales > welsh archers were the best europe had
[ 2013.03.14 09:45:58 ] Boadicea Wales > welsh gold is the highest priced gold in the world
[ 2013.03.14 09:46:09 ] Boadicea Wales > welsh coal is the best cold in the world
[ 2013.03.14 09:46:13 ] TehSmo > highest priced gold?
[ 2013.03.14 09:46:14 ] TehSmo > wat
[ 2013.03.14 09:46:29 ] Boadicea Wales > for a counrty that only has 5 million people we make our mark on the world
[ 2013.03.14 09:46:45 ] TehSmo > if the purity of gold is 99.9% why does it matter where it comes from?
[ 2013.03.14 09:47:07 ] Boadicea Wales > the welsh Rugby team which has only 10,000 player to pick from is amongst the best in the world
[ 2013.03.14 09:47:28 ] Boadicea Wales > where as england with their 2 million player lose to the welsh
[ 2013.03.14 09:47:50 ] TehSmo > trust the ignorant welsh to think kicking a pig skin around was ever anything but a common and lowborn pastime
[ 2013.03.14 09:48:05 ] Boadicea Wales > the Welsh may be a small country but we are known through out the world
[ 2013.03.14 09:48:19 ] Boadicea Wales > usualy put donw by the ignorant
[ 2013.03.14 09:48:56 ] Boadicea Wales > so carry on with your sheep shagger jokes and your insults this nation of just 5 million paople make you look stupid
[ 2013.03.14 09:49:18 ] Boadicea Wales > now my poo is comming along fats brb
[ 2013.03.14 09:50:12 ] Riker Helios > wtf is going on in this window
[ 2013.03.14 09:51:57 ] Boadicea Wales > did you know that at the last Olympics the small nation of wales won many gold silver and bronz medals for the GB team
[ 2013.03.14 09:52:06 ] Boadicea Wales > thats not bad for such a small nation
[ 2013.03.14 09:55:24 ] Boadicea Wales > so ya mock us Welsh if you want your mockery is born out of sheer ignorance and for that I genuinly feel sorry for you
[ 2013.03.14 09:56:22 ] Riker Helios > so what i miss??? lol
[ 2013.03.14 09:56:48 ] Aegis Armstrong > Just the bandit keith of wales.
[ 2013.03.14 09:57:10 ] Boadicea Wales > The Welsh are a small but proud nation we’ll never rock the world but the nation strives to move forward and make it’s mark not by making wars or insulting other nations in the public theater but in our own small way the word Welshj has real meaning
[ 2013.03.14 09:57:19 ] Boadicea Wales > and is much respaectedall over the world
[ 2013.03.14 09:57:48 ] BR549 Miner > they make some fine sweaters there
[ 2013.03.14 09:58:20 ] Boadicea Wales > when I go on hiliday I mearly have to point out to the waiter that we are welsh and not english and we get treated alot better
[ 2013.03.14 09:59:00 ] Boadicea Wales > no one pisses in the soup of a welsh man americans and english eat waiter piss all over the world
[ 2013.03.14 09:59:19 ] Boadicea Wales > and now to work have a nice day
[ 2013.03.14 10:00:01 ] Riker Helios > ok…so i got that it was a man outa all that
[ 2013.03.14 10:01:16 ] BR549 Miner > who buys soup on holliday…?
[ 2013.03.14 10:01:44 ] Riker Helios > lol …ahhh… server shut down? i just got on damnit
[ 2013.03.14 10:03:08 ] Riker Helios > hey. does the astroid belts get rest on server shurt down???
[ 2013.03.14 10:03:12 ] Music One > my married nieghbor wants to have sex with me again!!!!!
[ 2013.03.14 10:05:17 ] Kha’Vorn > Riker Helios no
[ 2013.03.14 10:05:30 ] Kha’Vorn > they gradually respawn through time
[ 2013.03.14 10:05:49 ] Kha’Vorn > Music One Dont tell us about, go park percy in the pink parlour…
[ 2013.03.14 10:05:59 ] Riker Helios > damn. oh well… i was going off of mmo games
[ 2013.03.14 10:06:16 ] Kha’Vorn > there are other systems, other belts
[ 2013.03.14 10:06:21 ] Music One > Kha’Vorn but i already fucked with him once
[ 2013.03.14 10:06:39 ] Music One > it felt wrong
[ 2013.03.14 10:06:52 ] Kha’Vorn > then buy her a dildo and write your name on it
[ 2013.03.14 10:07:02 ] Music One > him
[ 2013.03.14 10:07:26 ] Kha’Vorn > fleshlight then, so he will have something to do while your boning his missus